Fun Facts for Kids boy
Fun Facts for Kids fact file

fun facts for kids

Fun Facts about
7 Wonders of the World

Fun Facts about the 7 Wonders of the World for Kids
What are the original Seven Wonders of the World? Well, it's true to say that there are various categories that are classed as wonders of the world and our fact files list the three most popular groups, the seven wonders of the Ancient, Natural and New World. Each fun facts category lists the seven wonders of that topic along with other marvels of the world that are regarded as wonders but do not fall into the top seven. So if you need to learn information about The Great Pyramid of Giza, The Great Barrier Reef or the Taj Mahal you have come to the right place! Our fact files contain images, pictures and interesting information especially written with kids in mind, in addition each page has a funny facts video to help make the learning process easy, interesting and enjoyable!

Fun Facts about the Seven Wonders of the World for Kids

 Fun Facts for Kids

7 ancient wonders image

seven wonders of the natural world image

Fun Facts about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World for Kids
The seven wonders of the ancient world are; The Great Pyramid of Giza, the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Artemis at Ephesus, the Mausoleum at Halicarnassus, Colossus of Rhodes, the Statue of Zeus at Olympia and the Lighthouse of Alexandria. Each marvel has its own fun facts sheet packed with information about the ancient world. Discover how many of these ancient marvels exist today, where they located and what size were the structures.

Fun Facts about the 7 Natural Wonders of the World for Kids
The seven wonders of the natural world are; The Grand Canyon, The Great Barrier Reef, The Harbor of Rio de Janeiro, Mount Everest, Victoria Falls, The Northern Lights and The Parícutin Volcano. Read our fun facts sheet to discover why these natural marvels are celebrated. What makes the color of the Northern lights, how high is Mount Everest, how wide are the Victoria Falls? Our facts file will reveal the answers.

Fun Facts about the 7 New Wonders of the World for Kids
The seven wonders of the new world are; The Great Wall of China, Petra, Christ the Redeemer, Machu Picchu, Chichen Itza, The Colosseum and The Taj Mahal. Find out more about these fascinating marvels with our useful fact files and facts sheets. Discover new information and learn about the location, size and reasons for creating these incredible buildings and structures.

The Seven Marvels of the World for Kids via Videos

Discover new and interesting information with our fun facts short videos for kids. Every article has a cool fun video to help make the learning process easy, fast and interesting. Ideal for kids and children of all ages the videos are ideal for home study or homework help and as a free teaching aid for teachers and parents. Our great videos will help kids learn and assist with knowledge retention making the whole learning process quick easy and fun!

fun facts for kids
Fun facts on the Wonders of the World for kids - Marvels of the world - List - Names - 7wonders – Sevenwonders - Wonder - What is - What are – Original – Great –Top - Funny - Kids - Interesting - Random - Weird - Crazy - Cool - Amazing - Children - School - Teachers - Homework - Fast - Strange - Odd - Real - Info - Information - Help - Guide - File - Sheet - Pictures - Pics - Images - Photos - Free - Videos - List - The Wonders of the World