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Fun Facts on Electrical Energy

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know the definition of Electrical Energy? How electricity is produced right from the start? What is a Positive or negative charge? How is lightning produced? Our clear and accurate facts can teach kids important information about different types of energies and how they affect everyday life and functions.

Fun Fact 1: Electricity can be defined as the flow of electrical power or charge. To understand electrical energy, it is important to understand the basics of electricity and how it is produced right from the start.

Fun Fact 2: Electricity is not a primary source; it's a secondary source which comes from the conversion of primary sources such as coal, oil, natural gas and nuclear power.

Fun Fact 3: Electrical energy is flexible in its uses, and provides many important functions including the ability to light, heat, transport and communicate!

Fun Fact 4: Electrical energy moves from one atom to another. Atoms are very tiny, so small in fact that literally millions of atoms would make up the size of a pin head! Everything in the world is made up of atoms including humans, animals, trees, plants, air and water.

Fun Fact 5: The centre of an atom is called the nucleus. The nucleus is made up of small particles called protons and neutrons. Electrical force holds the electrons in their shells. The amount of electrons per shell depends on its distance from the nucleus - the furthest being the outer shells which can hold the most.

Fun Fact 6: Electrons constantly spin around the nucleus, not touching the nucleus, or one another, and they are much bigger than the proton and neutron particles.

Fun Fact 7: Protons and electrons both carry a force which produces an electric charge, protons are positive + and electrons are negative -, making them attracted to one another.

Fun Fact 8: The movement of electrons is electricity and this defines how it is produced: The shells closest to the nucleus hold the most attraction to the protons within the nucleus. The outer shells, despite carrying more electrons, can be forced out moving them from one atom to another.

Fun Fact 9: Electrical Energy is used to create light, heat or motion.

Fun Fact 10: Electrical Energy cannot be seen but it is one of the most useful types of energy as it has so many important uses which range from heating your house to powering your car.

Fun Fact 11: Electrons, which are charged particles, are released from a battery, the energy is then usually transported through a wire and transferred to whatever device it is powering e.g. a light or motor.

Fun Fact 12: Once the electrical energy has been transferred, it becomes a different type of energy. For example, if it is transferred to a light, it converts to light energy.

Fun Fact 13: Electrical energy can be found in nature. For example, it can be found in lightning. This is a good visual example of an instance when electrical energy is so powerful; it is no longer confined to a wire.

Fun Fact 14: Electrons move through an electric conductor and in doing so, they are carrying electrical energy.

Fun Fact 15: Electrical generating plants convert other forms of energy such as mechanical, thermal or chemical energy, into electricity - they do not create energy..

Fun Facts for Kids

Fun Facts on Energy for Kids

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