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Fun Facts on Chemical Energy

Fun Facts For Kids

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Do you know the definition of Chemical Energy? We have covered some of the most common questions including: What is Chemical Energy? How does it work? Where is it stored? How does it affect other substances? How is a chemical reaction formed? What is an exothermic reaction?

Fun Fact 1: Chemical energy is found in the bonds of chemical compounds (within groups of atoms which are bonded together). Everything in the universe consists of tiny atoms. To help you understand the size of an atom, just imagine that they are so tiny that literally millions of atoms would make up the size of a pin head!

Fun Fact 2: Chemical energy is released during a chemical reaction or transformation to other chemical substances.

Fun Fact 3: Chemical energy can be absorbed as well as released. This depends on the making and breaking of bonds during a chemical reaction.

Fun Fact 4: Chemical energy effects many things in our everyday lives and provides us with many important functions from heating the home, running the car to providing our bodies with energy! In fact, it is a necessity to mankind!

Fun Fact 5: A simple example of a very important use of chemical energy: A log fire - logs of wood provide a store of chemical energy which is released as the wood starts to burn. The wood is replaced by another substance known as ash. As the power is released, it converts to different kinds of energy known as light and thermal (heat).

Fun Fact 6: Another important example of chemical energy usage: Food - the food we eat stores chemical energy which is released as it is digested. Food consists of molecules which are broken down into smaller pieces. A chemical reaction occurs, forming new bonds and resulting in oxidation, as bonds between atoms break or loosen. (Oxidation is the interaction between oxygen molecules and different substances).

Fun Fact 7: The energy from the foods we consume is measured in kilocalories. The word 'Kilocalorie' is often shortened to 'calorie'. You have probably heard of this word and will already be aware that different types of food contain different amounts of calories. The human body converts this type of energy to mechanical and heat energy, thus keeping the body warm, active and energized.

Fun Fact 8: When a chemical reaction releases heat, it is known as an exothermic reaction. Burning wood on a log fire is a good example of an exothermic reaction.

Fun Fact 9: During a chemical reaction, the energy of a chemical substance can convert to other types of energy. The examples below can be used as a guide to understanding this transformation:

Fun Fact 10: Chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy. A good example of this type of conversion can be seen at a power plant where coal is converted into electrical power.

Fun Fact 11: Another example where by chemical energy can be converted into electrical energy is through a battery. It can provide power through electrolysis.

Fun Fact 12: Energy is stored within bonds. When these bonds are broken, chemical energy is released. This type of power is usable for many important functions including fuelling our bodies, vehicles, transport and heating our houses.

Fun Fact 13: The following provides examples of where chemical energy can be stored: biomass, petroleum, natural gas, coal and batteries.

Fun Fact 14: Once chemical energy is released from a substance, (e.g. wood on a log fire) that substance is transformed into a completely new substance (after burning, wood converts to ash).

Fun Fact 15: Energy is released when bonds are broken, where as energy is absorbed when a bond is formed

Fun Facts for Kids

Fun Facts on Energy for Kids

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