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Fun Facts on Earth

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know that in the past earth was called other names? Previous names include the Latin name Terra, Tellus - the name of the Roman mother goddess of the earth, and Gaia - the ancient Greek earth goddess. Did you know that earth is sometimes referred to as the blue planet?

Fun Fact 1: Where is earth? There are eight planets in the solar system; earth is the third planet from the sun. An easy way to remember the names of each planet is; 'Many Vegetarians Eat Marvellous Jam Sandwiches Upon Nightfall' The first letter of each word relates to the planet in order from the closest to the sun 'Mercury Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune'


Fun Fact 2: How far is planet earth away from the sun? Earth's distance from the sun is approximately 150 million Km. It takes the earth 365 days to orbit (travel around) the sun

Fun Fact 3: How big is earth? Compared to most other planets earth is not very big, it has a diameter of 12,756 km. The largest planet is Jupiter which has a diameter of about 142,800 kilometers; more than 11 times the diameter of earth!

Fun Fact 4: Earth is unique as it is the only planet in the solar system that has liquid water on its surface. In fact over 70% of planet earth is covered by water, which is why it is sometime referred to as the blue planet

Fun Fact 5: Life exists on earth because of its water and atmosphere, which is rich in oxygen; without water and oxygen life cannot exist

Fun Fact 6: Earth constantly spins around on it's axis, it takes 24 hours to turn a complete spin, this time span is called a day

Fun Fact 7: What is the difference between the term earth and the world? The name earth refers to the planet as a physical unit; it is the name which distinguishes it from the other planets. The world is the name used to describe the place where the entire human civilisation lives

Fun Fact 8: How old is Earth? Earth was formed over 4.5 billion years ago; the first signs of life on earth date back to approximately the first 700 million years of the planets formation

Fun Fact 9: What is earth made of? Earth is a huge ball of rock, made up of four different layers; inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The inner core is in the centre, it is the hottest part of our planet. The inner and outer cores, mainly consists of iron, the outer core is cooler in temperature. Mantle is made of hot molten rock, and the crust is the part we live on; it is made of land and water, the crust floats above the mantle

Fun Fact 10: What are tectonic plates? Tectonic plates are the flat slabs of rock that cover the earth's crust. Earth is divided into several major tectonic plates, and a number of much smaller ones, they move individually and very slowly all the time. The plate boundary is where the plates join up; these boundary areas are noted globally for geological features and happenings e.g. oceanic trenches, mountains, earthquakes and active volcanos

Fun Fact 11: When a volcano erupts, hot molten rock from the centre of the earth escapes. Volcanos can occur when earth's tectonic plates move together

Fun Fact 12: The Earth has only one moon which is called 'The Moon' or 'Luna Moon'. The Moon has a diameter of 3476 km it is the closest planetary body to us in distance and orbits our planet 384,400 km above our heads

Fun Fact 13: Planet Earth has two pole regions; the North Pole at the top and the South Pole at the bottom. As earth orbits the sun the poles remain icy, cold and generally much darker than the rest of the planet because the sun cannot reach the pole regions very well

Fun Fact 14: Hundreds of years ago scientists believed that earth was flat! We have discovered a lot about our planet since then, and we are discovering more each year. Biologists expect that in the coming years millions of unknown marine creatures and plants will be discovered!

Fun Fact 15: Planet earth, might not be able to support life indefinitely, global warming and the change in climate is the biggest threat to the planets survival, experts estimate that current conditions should sustain us for at least another 500 million years. Read out facts sheet on global warming to learn more about the subject of climate change and the effects of global warming

Fun Facts for Kids

Fun Facts about Earth for Kids

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