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Fun Facts about Hurricanes

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know that the word Hurricane was adopted from the Spanish word huracán? Did you know that hurricanes are also known as cyclones and typhoons depending on location? Did you know that hurricanes rotate in a clockwise direction in the southern hemisphere and a counter-clockwise direction in the northern hemisphere? Read our fact file below to discover some great information about hurricanes.

Fun Fact 1: What is a Hurricane? A Hurricane can be described as huge tropical storm that develops above warm water, maintains a wind speed of around 100 km per hour and lasts for approximately 7-10 days

Fun Fact 2: How do hurricanes form? Hurricanes typically form between 5º - 15º latitude north and south of the equator and when the ocean is particularly warm. The warm moist air evaporates above the ocean which causes heat, low pressure and high winds to create a storm. As the storm increases a hurricane is formed fuelled by the sequence of warm waters and moist air; a hurricane cannot be sustained over land

Fun Fact 3: Hurricanes appear in lots of different shapes and sizes. A typical tornado can measure approximately 450 - 650 km wide, travel at a speed of up to 15-30 km per hour crossing the ocean for 7-10 days

Fun Fact 4: What is the eye of a storm? The central area of a tropical storm is known as the eye. Fast winds spin around the eye which remains calm in comparison. The eye of a storm measures between 30 - 50km across in diameter

Fun Fact 5: What is the difference between a hurricane, a typhoon and a cyclone? It is the same natural occurrence; they are called different names depending on the location. In the Atlantic Ocean and Northeast Pacific it is called a 'hurricane'. In the Western Pacific Ocean it is referred to as a typhoon, in the Indian Ocean, the Bay of Bengal and Australia, the same natural occurrence is called a cyclone

Fun Fact 6: What is hurricane season? The hurricane season is the period during each year when hurricanes usually form in the Atlantic Ocean. Each area around the Atlantic Ocean has its specific seasonal pattern, but generally September is the month most prone to hurricanes

Fun Fact 7: Hurricanes produce excessive high winds and devastating rains, this can result in flooding, tsunamis and high waves known as 'storm surges', it's also common for a hurricane to trigger tornadoes. When the storm hits land catastrophic damage can be caused including the destruction of buildings, homes, industry, and agriculture. Pollution of the water system and landfalls are often a consequence of a hurricane

Fun Fact 8: Weather experts (called meteorologists) usually choose a name to specify each hurricane. The naming of a hurricane follows an alphabetical progression, the lists are reviewed and names released every six years

Fun Fact 9: Why are hurricanes named? On average six hurricanes occur every year, some in the same region. Using identifiable names for each Hurricane makes it easier for people to communicate clearly about each one specifically

Fun Fact 10: Did you know? It is not the actual hurricane that was given a name; it was the tropical storm before it! Tropical storms that maintain a wind speed of around 63 km per hour are given a name - for example 'Tropical Storm Elena', if the storms wind speed increases to 118 km per hour the same storm is then classed as a hurricane - for example 'Hurricane Elena'

Fun Fact 11: What are the differences between hurricanes and tornadoes? Did you know that hurricanes and tornadoes are different types of natural disasters? However, they are sometimes mistaken to be the same event. Here we'll explain some differences when we compare a typical example of a hurricane and a tornadoe...

Fun Fact 12: Typically a tornado will form over land; they are not dependent on water for fuel. Hurricanes, however, develop above water; they are fuelled by evaporating water

Fun Fact 13: Hurricanes can cause high waves; tsunamis, flooding and storm surges, tornadoes do not cause the same type of damage as they are generally in land

Fun Fact 14: Tornados generally create much stronger winds than a hurricane, but they do not last as long or travel as far; they are less intense

Fun Fact 15: Hurricanes create high winds and cause tremendous rains, whereas a tornado is usually created as the result of a storm - Hurricanes can produce a tornado, but tornadoes cannot produce a hurricane

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