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Fun Facts about Quincy Jones

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know that Quincy Jones is the first African-American person to receive two Academy Award nominations in the same year for Best Original Score? Did you know that he has worked with many famous people including Frank Sinatra and Michael Jackson? Find out more amazing facts about this fabulous African-American man below.

Fun Fact 1 Quincy Delight Jones was born on the 14th March 1933 in Chicago, Illinois in the United States of America. His nickname was Q.

Fun Fact 2 Quincy had 7 children, from oldest to youngest their names are Rashida Jones, Kidada Jones, Quincy Jones III, Martina Jones, Jolie Jones Levine, Kenya Julia Miambi Sarah Jones and Rachel Jones.

Fun Fact 3: Quincy has been married 3 times, his first marriage was to Jeri Caldwell 1957-1966, the second to Ulla Anderson 1968-1974 and his third marriage was to Peggy Lipton 1974-1990.

Fun Fact 4: Quincy Jones is the most nominated artist in history, receiving 79 nominations, he received his first Grammy Award in 1964 for the Best Instrumental Arrangement.

Fun Fact 5: The famous song 'Fly me to the moon' which was recorded by Frank Sinatra in July 1969 was first played on NASA's first lunar landing mission. Quincy Jones arranged the music for the album.

Fun Fact 6: In the early 1950's, Quincy began his music career as a trumpeter. He played in Lionel Hampton's band from 1951-1953.

Fun Fact 7: Quincy is often referred to a jazz maestro. One of his outstanding productions was for Michael Jackson's 'Thriller' album in 1982.

Fun Fact 8: In 1975, Quincy founded Quest Productions, he was incredibly well known for his arrangements and producing.

Fun Fact 9: The 'We are the World' anthem was recorded in 1985 to raise awareness and money for the famine in Ethiopia. Quincy Jones' charity helped to build over 100 homes in South Africa in 2001

Fun Fact 10: In 1974, Quincy was diagnosed with a pair of brain aneurysms, Quincy attended his own memorial service which he had planned with family and friends.

Fun Fact 11: Quincy was raised by his father and his new wife as his birth mother was in and out of hospitals due to mental health issues.

Fun Fact 12: In 1943, Quincy Jones and his family moved to Seattle where he began playing the trumpet at school. It was around this time that he became very good friends with Ray Charles.

Fun Fact 13: Quincy attended the Boitors Berklee College of music. Shortly afterwards, he toured with two bands known as Dizzy Gillespie and Lionel Hampton.

Fun Fact 14: In 1967, he was given an Academy Award for his work in a movie called 'In Cold Blood', he went on to score another 50 films during his career.

Fun Fact 15: In the 1960's, Quincy Jones began a social activist and supported Dr Martin Luther King Jr.

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