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Fun Facts on Lions

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you that there are 7 species of Lions? Read our facts sheet below to find out more information about them! Did you know that the scientific name for a Lion is Panthera leo? Did you know that an adult lion's roar can be heard up to 5 miles (8 km) away?

Fun Fact 1: What is a Lion? A lion can be described as large, carnivorous catlike mammal, they have a short golden-tawny coat, and unlike other cats have a tufted tail. Male lions have a distinctive shaggy mane of hair around the head and neck

Fun Fact 2: There are seven different species of Lions they are; African lion, Asiatic lion, American Lion, Mountain Lion, Cave lion and the White lion

Fun Fact 3: Lions are native to Africa and Northwest India. They commonly habitat wide open areas such as the plains and woodlands

Fun Fact 4: Lions are Carnivorous mammals; they are meat eaters. Lions hunt for their food and their diet will consist of game, such as zebra, wildebeest, buffalo, wild boar, deer and antelope

Fun Fact 5: Size Facts! A Fully grown male lion can reach 4 feet (1.2 m) in height, 6 feet (1.8 m) in length and weigh approximately between 330-530 pounds (149 - 240 kg)

Fun Fact 6: Although they are active during the day, Lions prefer to hunt at night. They could be considered as nocturnal  (active at night) animals!

Fun Fact 7: Lions are the only species of cat that live in a group; the name for a group of Lions is a pride

Fun Fact 8: A pride of lions can contain up to 25 lions. The pride home territory is likely to include an area of approximately 100 square miles (260 square km)

Fun Fact 9: Every female in a pride is generally related in some way. It is the females who usually hunt for food, which they accomplish in groups

Fun Fact 10: A lion can run at a speed of up to of 80 kilometres per hour

Fun Fact 11: The name of a male is referred to as a lion or tom, a female name is referred to as a she-lion or lioness. The offspring name is a cub, whelp or lionet

Fun Fact 12: Lions have been kept by humans since the Roman times, and were introduced into zoos as early as the 1800s

Fun Fact 13: In the wild Lions have a life span of approximately 15 years; this is extended in captivity to approximately 25 years

Fun Fact 14: In the past Mountain Lions could be found all over America, now they habitat the Eastern - Southern areas. The Mountain Lion are also known as pumas, cougars, and catamounts. Unlike African Lions, their back legs are strong and longer that the front ones, this enables they to jump great distances!

Fun Fact 15: All lion species are considered a vulnerable by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN); in addition the Asiatic lion is classified as endangered. The reasons for the decline in numbers can be attributed to various causes including; loss of natural habitat, disease, human intrusion and exploitation

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