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Fun Facts on Hamsters

Fun Facts For Kids

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Did you know that hamsters are very short sighted and color blind? Did you know Hamsters belong to the scientific subfamily Cricetinae? Our interesting facts about Hamsters are amazing pieces of information and some are little known pieces of trivia! Why not watch our entertaining free video and enjoy learning the easy way.

Fun Fact 1: Hamsters can be described as short-tailed, burrowing rodents that have large cheek pouches, small ears and poor eyesight. The legs are short, feet are wide, fur color varies depending on the species colors include; black, white, grey, brown, fawn, golden and cinnamon

Fun Fact 2: Their are 25 different species of Hamsters which are grouped into several types which include; Chinese, Roborovski, Russian Dwarf and Syrian

Fun Fact 3: The origins of the word Hamster are old German, which translate as "to hoard". Hamsters hoard (store) and carry food in their cheek pouches

Fun Fact 4: What do Hamsters eat? Hamsters are omnivores, this means they eat fresh vegetables, berries, seeds, nuts and meat, some wild hamsters eat insects

Fun Fact 5: The most popular hamster kept as a pet is the Syrian, commonly known as the Golden Hamster or Teddy Bear Hamster

Fun Fact 6: The smallest species are Roborovski hamsters (also know as desert hamsters, Robos or Robs). An adult will have a body length of approximately 5.5 cm (2 inches) long and weigh 20-25 g (about 1 oz)

Fun Fact 7: The largest species of hamster is the European (also called the Common,  Eurasian or Black-bellied hamster ) it can measure up to 34 cm (about 13.5 inches) in length and weigh 220-460 g (8-16 ounces)

Fun Fact 8: A male hamster is called a boar, a female is called a sow and baby hamsters are called pups

Fun Fact 9: The Syrian hamster (Golden Hamster or Teddy Bear Hamster) have a solitary character (like to be on their own); they should be caged accordingly, they also benefit from regular vitamin supplements

Fun Fact 10: Key rodent features visible in hamsters are their long sharp teeth; both upper and lower teeth grow throughout their life and must be regular looked after to check that they are not too long

Fun Fact 11: If you are keeping a hamster as a pet you need to ensure that it is kept in a suitable cage. A good quality cage will have good ventilation, bars that are a close distance so that the hamster won't escape and a deep easy clean base (they will burrow). A water bottle, hamster bedding and some toys are an addition requirement in the perfect hamster cage home

Fun Fact 12: All Hamsters are nocturnal; this means that they sleep during the day and are active during the night - you might decide that putting your new pet hamster cage in the bedroom might not be a good idea after all!

Fun Fact 13: Hamsters have scent gland on their hips or abdomens depending on the species. Hamsters have poor eye sight so the scent glands are used to leave a trace of smell to help with navigation, and to find a mate

Fun Fact 14: The average lifespan of a hamster in captivity is about 2-3 years; Russian hamsters sometime live a little longer. Hamsters have a much shorter lifespan in the wild.

Fun Fact 15: The wild Golden Hamster is listed by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) as 'Vulnerable'. It is very rare wild species; only a few remain in the Middle East, some can be found in Syria. They are classed as 'At risk' because their declining numbers are facing high-risk in their natural surroundings

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