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Fun Facts on Bugs

Fun Facts For Kids

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Did you know that the scientific name for a bug is from the order Hemiptera? Do you know what the most deadly creature on earth is? Read our fact file below to find the answer and amaze your friends with interesting trivia and fun facts about Bugs!

Fun Fact 1: What is a bug? Many people class different species of insects as bugs, but true bugs originate from the scientific order Hemiptera. Hemiptera are winged creatures and the name relates to the tough base of the forewing that extends up to a soft tip. Other characteristics include a beak like mouth that can pierce and suck, antennae, and compound eyes. Examples of true bugs include, cicadas, shield bugs, bed bugs, water bugs, stink bugs, aphids, plant hoppers

Fun Fact 2: Bed bugs, ants, flies, mosquitoes, butterflies, lightening bugs (fireflys), woodlice,  spiders, ants, butterflies and centipedes are not pure 'true' bugs they are insects that are regarded generally as bugs. They can be described as invertebrates; they have no backbone. Also known as Arthropods, they have segmented, hard exterior bodies and jointed legs. Arthropods can be classified into smaller classes depending on the number of legs and body sections they have. There are four general classes; Arachnids -spiders, Crustaceans - woodlice and crabs, Insects - ants, butterflies, bees, and Myriapods - centipedes and millipedes

Fun Fact 3: Where do bugs live? They live all over the planet with the exception of the Polar regions, deep seas and oceans

Fun Fact 4: Hemiptera bugs have a beak like mouth which will pierce plants and feed by extracting the sap with a hard suck. Insect bugs eat a variety of food including leaves, seeds, sap, nectar and roots.  Parasitic bugs like fleas, lice and bed bugs eat blood and some types of parasite bugs eat the flesh of animals

Fun Fact 5: Do bugs have ears? Bugs clearly do not have ears as we do but they can hear by using the sound of vibrations. Depending on the type of bug, vibrations are picked up and interpreted by different organs including; a tympanal sensory organ, a drum which acts similar to our own hearing, the antennae and body hair, some bugs can also sense vibration through the tongue!

Fun Fact 6: Experts estimate that for every human on earth, there are approximately 200 million bugs; however it would take a very long time to count them and prove it, wouldn't it?

Fun Fact 7: The Antennae on a bug contains four to five segments; they are used for feeling, smelling, detecting enemies and in some species to hear

Fun Fact 8: Bed bugs can be described as parasitic insects that feed completely on blood, predominately human although they can feed on animals. Bed bugs are reddish brown in color and oval in shape, they measure 4.5mm - 6.5mm in length, after feeding their body swells and becomes darker in color

Fun Fact 9: The Mosquito is the most deadliest creature on Earth! More deaths are connected with mosquitoes than any other animal on earth, making it the most lethal predator to mankind. This gruesome bug can carry an array of disease including malaria, yellow fever and encephalitis, they use heat sensors to detect the warmth of blood, and can pass on disease when they pierces the skin to drink blood. Experts state that each year a million people die from Mosquito spread malaria

Fun Fact 10: A Stinkbug lets off a bad smelling liquid that is revolting to its predators. There are thousands of different species of stink bugs; they are found all over the planet. Stinkbugs measure between 6-13 mm long and vary in color from gray, brown, black, green or blue, some are plain and others are patterned

Fun Fact 11: June bugs facts: June bugs (also known as May beetle, Junebug or June beetles) are a species of scarab beetles that are native to North America. They are deep reddish-brown in colour and measure approximately 15-35 mm long. They eat plant life at night and have been known to cause significant damage to crops

Fun Fact 12: Lightening bugs are also known as fireflies although they are not true bugs or flies! They are a type of beetle that is related to the lady bug. There are nearly 2000 different species of lightening bug or firefly. They are a nocturnal (active at night) creature and are able to use an internal chemical reaction to light up their body to communicate and attract a mate

Fun Fact 13: Ladybugs are not a true bug they are specie of beetle, but they do eat aphids and aphids are true bugs. Both male and females are called ladybugs and despite their bright red 'warning' color they are not poisonous, however they can be toxic to some animals

Fun Fact 14: What happens to a bug in winter? It depends on the type of bug. Generally the adults will die, leaving eggs or larvae in a safe place ready to emerge the following year, others will hibernate until warmer weather arrives and some like the monarch butterfly will migrate to warmer climates

Fun Fact 15: Despite the huge numbers of bugs in the world many species are listed as endangered species or are classified with concern, some examples include; Australian ant, Cape stag beetle, Carabo beetle, Crescent dune scarab beetle, crimson Hawaiian damselfly, Dessert monkey grasshopper, and the Laricis tree cricket. Causes include loss of habitat, pollution global warming and disease

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