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Fun Facts on George W Bush

George W Bush

George W Bush

Did You Know?
Did you know that George W Bush was a member of the Republican Political Party? Did you know that George W Bush is the only President that has run a marathon?

Fun Fact 1: George Walker Bush was born on July 6, 1946 in New Haven, Connecticut

Fun Fact 2: He was born the first child of six born to George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush, his father was the 41st president of America and served from January 2001 until January 2009

Fun Fact 3: There were two sets of presidents who's sons also became presidents, the first were John Adams and his son John Quincy Adams (2nd and 6th Presidents), and the second were George H. W. Bush and his son George W. Bush (41st and 43rd presidents)

Fun Fact 4: George Walker Bush had a good education and became the first U.S. president with an MBA degree. He attended Yale University and Harvard Business School, then in May 1968 he joined the Texas Air National Guard and became a pilot

Fun Fact 5: George W Bush met Laura Welch at a barbeque in the summer of 1977, in the November of the same year they got married. Together they had twin daughters who were born in 1981

Fun Fact 6: George W. Bush was 54 years of age when he became the 43rd President of America in 2001. He served for 8 years until 2009

Fun Fact 7: When George Bush and his team took over the White House the "W" keys mysteriously went missing from the computer keyboards, when asked for a reaction a White House spokesman said "It would have been 'Wow', but the W was removed, so now it's just O"

Fun Fact 8: Just after six months into his presidency the 9/11 terrorist attacks took place on the World Trade Center in New York City and the Pentagon. Bush retaliated by pronouncing a war on terror, an international military campaign, which included war against the Taliban in Afghanistan in 2001 and war in Iraq in 2003

Fun Fact 9: On May 1, 2003 George W Bush made an announcement regarding the War on Iraq, know as the "Mission Accomplished" speech, it would later be considered as a statement that was made too early, and the concerns in Iraq continued. The large quantities of weapons that the Taliban were believed to possess were not found, and the administration were again criticized

Fun Fact 10: George W Bush was elected for a second term in 2004 despite criticisms for his handling of the Afghanistan and Iraq wars

Fun Fact 11: When George W Bush was speaking during an event at Freedom Square in Georgia an assassination attempt took place. It was May 10, 2005 when Vladimir Arutyunian, cast a hand grenade towards the president, it landed in the crowd and although it was live, it did not go off. Arutyunian was convicted and served a life sentence

Fun Fact 12: In August 2005 Hurricane Katrina, hit America and became one of the worst natural disaster the U.S. had seen. Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama were the worst areas to be devastated and over 1800 people died in the tragedy. George W. Bush was critized for his unhurried actions and his failing management of the emergency services, his popularity was knocked and his reputation suffered

Fun Fact 13: In December 2007, the U.S. entered the biggest recession since the end of World War II. The national debt grew, mortgages hit crisis points, and the financial market suffered deeply. George W. Bush's reputation as president went from one of the highest approval rates during the September 11th attacks to one of the lowest rates of any U.S. President

Fun Fact 14: During his retirement of office George W Bush has written a book called 'Decision Points'. He lives in Dallas, Texas and occasionally makes public speaking appearances. His presidency has been considered as one of the worst in American history, although his popularity has increased in more recent years

Fun Fact 15: On the September 11 terrorist attacks in 2001 George W Bush said "Freedom itself was attacked this morning by a faceless coward, and freedom will be defended"

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