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Fun Facts - 7 Wonders
of the Natural World

Fun Facts For Kids

Fun Facts about the 7 Wonders of the Natural World for Kids
You may be aware that there are seven natural wonders of the world, but how many of them can you name? You have come to the right place to discover what each of the seven natural wonders of the world are and to learn fun interesting information about each of them. Our fact files provide fast, interesting facts and trivia written especially for kids in mind so that they can learn new facts quickly and easily. Each topic contains a useful fact file, fact sheet, images, pictures and a cool fun video to aid learning making the education process easy, cool and great fun!

In addition to each of the seven natural wonders of the world we have included other natural marvels that are often considered and classed as wonders of the world.

Fun Facts on the Grand Canyon

Fun Facts about the Great Barrier Reef

Fun Facts on the  Harbor of Rio de Janeiro

Fun Facts on Mount Everest

Fun Facts on the Northern Lights for kids

Fun Facts on the Parícutin Volcano

Fun Facts on the Victoria Falls

Fun Facts about Table Mountain

Fun Facts about the Amazon Rainforest

Fun Facts about the Ocean

Fun Facts about the Galapagos Islands

Fun Facts about the Solar System

Fun Facts about the Sun

Fun Facts about the 7 Ancient Wonders of the World

Fun Facts about the 7 New Wonders of the World

Fun Facts for Kids

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