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Fun Facts on Viking Women

Fun Facts For Kids

Did you know questions on Viking women?
Did you know that Viking women had more rights than women in many other countries during that era? Did you know that Vikings took pride in their appearance, women even ironed their clothes! Read the facts sheet to learn amazing facts about women from the Viking Era it's packed with and fast, fun facts and interesting information for kids and schools

Fun Fact 1: The Vikings were people from Scandinavia, Viking women were independent and self-sufficient, they ran households, managed farms, made their own clothes and could become religious leaders!

Fun Fact 2: Most women had arranged marriages; the partners were chosen by her parents, however some women could choose their husbands. A wedding ceremony consisted of a handshake and an exchange of gifts; a dowry and a bridesprice. The dowry was a gift of money and items which was given by the Brides father, the  bridesprice usually a gift of property, came from the groom. When the bride was married the bridesprice and dowry became the bride's. The wedding was usually celebrated with a meal or banquet

Fun Fact 3: Viking women had more rights than women in many other countries in that era. They could own land, divorce and inherit; men and women were considered equal; during the 9th - 13th centuries this was very rare!

Fun Fact 4: Most women were expected to run a farm whilst the husband was away for some time, exploring the waters of the world; women were extremely capable and resourceful

Fun Fact 5: Viking women spent time spinning wool to make clothes and textiles. The tufts of wool would be spun onto a spindle then weaved onto a loom

Fun Fact 6: Some women had jobs outside of the home or farm; there is evidence to prove that some women were market traders, crafts women, practitioners or religious leaders

Fun Fact 7: Viking women usually wore simple, long, plain dresses made of wool or linen. The dresses were partly covered by a tunic which was fastened with simple brooches. Viking women usually wore a headscarf made of wool or linen

Fun Fact 8: Viking women grew their hair long, they would wear it tied up or braided. Combs are one of the most common objects found from the Viking Age! Combs were usually made of antler or bone

Fun Fact 9: The Vikings took pride in their appearance, women even ironed their clothes! They used large smooth stones or glass which they heated to flatten the fabric over whalebone

Fun Fact 10: Vikings liked to wear lots of jewelry, tunic brooches were made of bronze, sometimes the ladies tunic brooches had beads between them or the brooches were attached to chains which held personal items like a comb, keys or scissors

Fun Fact 11: Viking jewelry was often intricately made and ornately decorated. Rings of copper, gold or silver were worn on the fingers, arms and around the neck by both men and women. Wealth and status were reflected in the clothes and jewelry, wealthier Viking families wore high quality ornately detailed items

Fun Fact 12: Aud was the name of a celebrated Irish-Viking woman. When her husband was killed she sailed to Scotland and secretly built a ship (women were not allowed to own ships). She sailed her ship with a crew of family and 20 men to Iceland, when they reached their destination she provided her crew with their own land and set them free. Her story reflects the capabilities, resourcefulness, and determination of Viking women, her achievements in the Viking era are still celebrated in present day

Fun Fact 13: A shieldmaiden is a mythical name given to warrior woman. Evidence suggests that women might have been warriors during the Viking Era; some experts suggest that Sela, Lathgertha, Hetha and Visna may have been the names of Viking warrior women, but there is no real scientific evidence and experts disagree

Fun Fact 14: Friday was named after Frigg, the wife of Odin. Odin was an important Viking God; he was lord of battles, God of Kings and warriors. Frig was his beautiful wife and mother goddess. Friday is considered by some a lucky day; especially for marriage because of its links to the Viking Goddess Frigg

Fun Fact 15: It was common for Viking woman to die at a younger age than a man because of problems during childbirth. The life expectancy of a Viking woman was around 35 years of age; life expectancy of a man was 40 years of age

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Fun Facts on Vikings for Kids

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