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Fun Facts on
Sun Energy

Fun Facts on Sun Energy for Kids
Learn interesting fun facts and trivia about the energy we get from the sun. With the help of our facts sheets kids can learn the answers to some common questions about sun energy including: how far away is the Sun? How hot is its surface? How long does it take to transfer energy to the Earth? What functions does it have? What would happen if we no longer had a Sun? Our facts sheets will teach you the answers and provide you with images, information and trivia all about sun energy. They are written especially for kids in easy to understand terms. Sun energy is vitally important, without it there wouldn't be life at all; but how much do we know about the sun. What new facts can you learn about this type of energy source? Read our facts sheet to find out!

Did You Know?
Did you know that Heat, light and energy are produced at the core (centre) of the Sun? Do you know how long it takes to travel from its core to the surface before it is radiated into our universe? Find out with our fact file and fact sheet.

Pictures of Sun Energy
Fun facts about the energy of the Sun would not be complete without some pictures. Don't forget to watch our fun facts for kids’ video. It’s the quick way to learn new information fast and is a great resource for teachers and students

sun image
solar energy image
Fun Facts for KidsFun Facts on Energy for Kids

Fact Sheet on Sun Energy
Fun Facts on Sun Energy for kids

Fun Fact 1

The sun provides energy to the Earth and gives all living things, creatures and plants light and heat.

Fun Fact 2

Without light and heat from the energy of the sun, we could not survive. There would be no life of Earth.

Fun Fact 3

Sun energy helps plants to grow which in turn provides food to animals and humans. Without the sunlight, we wouldn't have any food to eat!

Fun Fact 4

Sun energy helps plants to produce oxygen which allows humans and animals to breathe. Without oxygen on Earth, we would all die.

Fun Fact 5

Sun energy provides the Earth with natural heat and controls the temperature on Earth. Without sunlight, the planet would be freezing; it would be too cold for plants, animals and humans to survive.

Fun Fact 6

Sun energy impacts the weather conditions on Earth. For example, the heat from sunlight forms clouds and the clouds produce rain. Without rain our oceans, rivers, streams would no longer provide flowing water. Without water, human, animal and plant life would no longer continue.

Fun Fact 7

How long does it take to transfer energy to the Earth? The energy from the sun takes millions of years to reach the sun's surface, however; it is transferred to the Earth in minutes.

Fun Fact 8

Sun energy has many other important functions as the light and heat from sunshine forms solar energy which can be converted to electricity and heat. Solar energy can be used for many things including cooking, heating and drying.

Fun Fact 9

Solar energy is far less harmful to our planet Earth than other fuels such as coal and oil. Solar energy doesn't pollute the environment with harmful chemicals.

Fun Fact 10

Although the sun has produced energy for billions of years, the use of solar power isn't as good as it could potentially be. However, developments are being made all the time and hopefully it will become a huge part of our future for generations to come.

Fun Fact 11

The amount of sun energy we receive on Earth differs across areas, and parts of the world, depending on the amount of daylight, the seasons, and of course, the weather conditions and climate. The sun will produce more energy to the Earth surface on a clear day than a foggy or cloudy day.

Fun Fact 12

We can all save money by making use of sun energy. For example, we could put our clothes out to dry in the sunshine rather than using a tumble dryer or hanging them to dry on centrally heated radiators.

Fun Fact 13

Sun energy is very important in all countries, but in particular poorer countries as they can use it for cooking, heating and drying.

Fun Fact 14

The Sun is approximately 93 millions miles away from the Earth and it is by far the biggest thing in the solar system. In fact, our Earth could easily fit inside the Sun a millions times. Astronauts cannot visit the Sun as it is too hot. The temperature on the surface is approximately 10,000 degrees Fahrenheit!

Fun Fact 15

Heat, light and energy are produced at the core (centre) of the Sun. This energy takes millions of year to reach the surface but when it does, it radiates out into the universe, onto our Earth, in around eight minutes!

Fact Sheet on Sun Energy
Fun Facts on Sun Energy for kids

Fun Facts on Sun Energy

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