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Fun Facts about Samuel L Jackson

Fun Facts For Kids

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Did you know that this famous America movie actor was born in Washington DC but later moved to New York to continue his career in acting? Do you know what the initial L stands for? Have a look at our interesting facts to find out information and details about this famous movie star and film producer.

Fun Fact 1 Samuel L Jackson was born in Washington DC, the capital of the United States of America on December 21st, 1948. His star sign is Sagittarius.

Fun Fact 2 Samuel L Jackson is a famous movie star actor and film producer. His middle initial 'L' stands for Leroy.

Fun Fact 3: Samuel L Jackson married LaTanya Richardson in 1980, they have one child together, a daughter called Zoe. They met at the Black Image Theatre Company.

Fun Fact 4: Samuel's mother was a factory worker, her name was Elizabeth Montgomery. His father was called Henry Jackson.

Fun Fact 5: Samuel L Jackson was raised mostly in Chattanooga, in Tennessee, by his mother and grandmother, following her strict guidance.

Fun Fact 6: On June 16th, 2000 Samuel L Jackson was awarded a Star on the Walk of Fame on Hollywood Blvd. This is just one of the many recognitions he has been given for his outstanding work and achievement.

Fun Fact 7: In 1995, Samuel L Jackon was awarded a BAFTA for the Best Actor in a Supporting Role in 'Pulp Fiction' - a big hit movie that achieved worldwide success.

Fun Fact 8: At the age of 63, Samuel had starred in over 100 films. Some of the most famous movies that he has appeared in include Jurassic Park, Captain America, Robocop, Django, Avengers and The Incredible.

Fun Fact 9: Samuel L Jackson played a character called Gator in Spike Lee's 'Jungle Fever', the character influenced him greatly and made Samuel give up his own bad habits. At this point in his life, he managed to turn things around both professionally and personally.

Fun Fact 10: Samuel L Jackson has appeared in Broadway productions and plays such as The Mighty Gents and Home.

Fun Fact 11: In 1976, Samuel moved to Harlem in New York City with his wife in order to further his acting career.

Fun Fact 12: In 2011, Samuel L Jackson was named the highest grossing movie actor, his wealth came from big roles in huge movies like Jurassic Park, Star Wars and Iron Man.

Fun Fact 13: Samuels's break through movie came in 1994 with the production of a film called Pulp Diction. This movie was directed by Quentin Tarantino, whom he has since worked with in a movie called Django Unchained.

Fun Fact 14: In 1981, Samuel met Morgan Freeman and Spike Lee, these friendships resulted in endless acting opportunities and further relationships within the industry.

Fun Fact 15: Samuel was part of a black power movement, he was expelled from the historically Morehouse College as he, and other members, held board members captured inside a building for more than two days.

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