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Fun Facts on Horses

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know that a horse can be described as: A solid-hoofed plant eating four legged animal, which has been domesticated since prehistoric times? Did you know there are more than 300 breeds of horses in the world? Did you know that the scientific name for a domesticated horse is Equus ferus caballus?

Fun Fact 1: Male horses have more teeth than female horses

Fun Fact 2: Out of all earths land animals, the horse has the biggest eyes

Fun Fact 3: There are over 75 million horses in the world

Fun Fact 4: There were no horses in Australia until 1788

Fun Fact 5: A typical horse only sleeps between 2.5 – 3 hours per day, and they generally sleep longer in the summer than in the winter

Fun Fact 6: Horse hooves are made from the same protein that fingernails and human hair are made from

Fun Fact 7: The oldest horse was a barge horse from England, his name was Billy and he lived to be 62 years old

Fun Fact 8: Horses teeth take up more space in their head than their brain

Fun Fact 9: The smallest horse in the world is only 14 inches tall. His name is Einstein and he was born in New Hampshire, USA

Fun Fact 10: The rarest breed of horse, which is likely to become extinct, is the Abaco Barb from the Bahamas. In October 2010, only five were in existence and attempts to increase the herd have not been successful

Fun Fact 11: Generally, the Horse has a better memory than the elephant does, although evidence suggests that elephants have a longer memory span

Fun Fact 12: The difference between a horse and a pony is that ponies have bigger heads, stockier legs and are smaller than the size of a horse; they are less than 14.3 hands (1.5m)

Fun Fact 13: Horses only breathe through their noses, and not through the mouth like humans

Fun Fact 14: The world's most popular breed of horse is the Arabian

Fun Fact 15: The life span of a horse is generally 20 to 25 years

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