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Fun Facts on Butterflies

Fun Facts For Kids

Did You Know?
Did you know that the scientific description for a Butterflies is an insect from the family, or order, of the order Lepidoptera; the scientific name for a Butterfly is a Papilionoidea? Did you know that there are approximately 18,000 species (types) of butterflies?

Fun Fact 1: How to describe a Butterfly; butterflies have thin, narrow bodies, six legs and four broad, generally colorful wings. The body is segmented into three parts - a head, a thorax and an abdomen, the thorax is the area that attaches for the two sets of wings. On the head are the eyes, antennae and proboscis; a long, flexible straw-like tongue

Fun Fact 2: The name Butterfly originates from their membranous wings which are covered with tiny scales. Some believe that the name was adapted from the term beater-fly

Fun Fact 3: Butterflies are native to all continents in the world except Antarctica

Fun Fact 4: Butterflies are found in living in a variety of different climate environments. The habitats they can be found include; tropical areas, forests, marshes, rivers, swamps, meadows, farmlands and gardens

Fun Fact 5: What is the difference between Butterflies and Moths? Butterflies are day-flying and have bright coloured wings, whilst moths generally fly at night and are dull in comparison. The antennae on the head are different too, the antennae on butterflies are thin and have a knobbed tip, whereas the antennae on a moth can vary from threadlike to feathery or even hairy, and it does not have a knobbed or clubbed tip

Fun Fact 6: What do butterflies eat? They sip nectar from flowers and juice from rotting fruit, they also drink water

Fun Fact 7: The largest butterfly on the planet has a wingspan of up to 25 cm or 10 inches (bird wings of Melanesia). The smallest have a wingspan of 1 cm  or 0.4 inches (pygmy blues)

Fun Fact 8: Butterflies undergo a series of four physical changes and transformations throughout its lifespan; these are known as the metamorphosis of a butterfly. The four stages that make up the full life cycle are; Egg, Larva (caterpillar), Pupa (cocoon or chrysalis), and Adult Butterfly

Fun Fact 9: Facts about the life and Metamorphosis of Butterflies; Females generally lay their eggs onto a plant; this ensures an immediate food source for the larvae when they hatch. The worm like larvae eat and shed their skin continuously until they grow to hundreds of times their original size! When they are fully grown the larvae spins a cocoon around itself to become Pupae, also known as a Pupa, cocoon or chrysalis. During the pupae stage the internal system undertakes alterations and new, external changes are developed. The cycle, or metamorphosis, is complete when the adult butterfly breaks free from the pupae case, the wings expand to dry and harden before the butterfly is ready to take its first flight

Fun Fact 10: When a Butterfly sips nectar from a flowering plant it transports pollen from one plant to another, this helps the plants to reproduce

Fun Fact 11: The Painted Lady is considered to be most common butterfly in the world, it can be found in most continents with the exception of Australia, South America and the Arctic. It is also known as the thistle butterfly and the cosmopolitan

Fun Fact 12: The most recognized American butterfly is the Monarch. But did you know that this beautiful bright orange, black and white butterfly migrates thousands of miles each year? Depending on which part of American or Canada they are travelling from they can fly between 2-3,000 miles on the migration route to Mexico in search for a warmer climate in the colder months

Fun Fact 13: The correct name for a group of Butterflies is a flutter!

Fun Fact 14: The lifespan of a butterfly depends on the species, the minimum lifespan of an adult is just three - four days, the average lifespan is 20 - 40 days, and the maximum lifespan is six months

Fun Fact 15: Some types of butterfly are listed as endangered species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service lists twenty five species of butterflies as endangered or threatened, with may more in review

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