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Fun Facts on Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore

Millard Fillmore

Did You Know?
Did you know that Millard Fillmore was a member of the Whig Political Party? Did you know that the Whig political party were active from the early 1830s to the mid-1850s? They supported modern political views and safeguarding of the economy

Fun Fact 1: Millard Fillmore was born on January 7 1800 in Moravia, Cayaga County, New York

Fun Fact 2: He was born in a log cabin to hard working parents, Nathaniel Fillmore and Phoebe Millard; he was one of nine children

Fun Fact 3: Millard Fillmore had difficulty getting a good education as he lived on the frontier, he became an apprentice before studying law at the New Hope Academy

Fun Fact 4: Millard Fillmore didn't run for Presidency, he became President upon the death of Zachary Taylor in 1950, there was no inaugural address

Fun Fact 5: Millard Fillmore was inaugurated as the 13th president when he was 50 years of age; he served for 3 years until 1853

Fun Fact 6: Millard Fillmore was recognised for his agreement to the Compromise of 1850, which authorized slavery in the South. Eventually this law collapsed as contracts between the North and South could not be agreed

Fun Fact 7: Millard Fillmore was know for his immaculately dress sense, which was usually a well cut dark suit

Fun Fact 8: Millard Fillmore is one of two presidents who has double letters in his first and last names, the other is William Henry Harrison

Fun Fact 9: In 1850, during the Presidency of Millard Fillmore, California became a state

Fun Fact 10: The usual name Christian name 'Millard' originates from his mother's maiden name

Fun Fact 11: Millard Fillmore married Abigail Powers on February 5, 1826. She was two years older than her husband and they met at the New Hope Academy - she was his teacher!

Fun Fact 12: Fillmore's wife Abigail installed the first "running-water bathtub" in the White House

Fun Fact 13: He was the first to establish a permanent library in the White House

Fun Fact 14: Millard Fillmore died in Buffalo, New York on March 8th 1874; he was 74 years of age

Fun Fact 15: He is quoted as saying "It is better to wear out than rust out."

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