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Fun Facts on Native American Children

Fun Facts For Kids

Did you know?
Did you know, a dream catcher was believed to help a child have a restful nights sleep? Did you know that the famous Native American Sitting Bull was given his legendary name at the age of 14? Read our fun facts sheet on Native American children to discover more information on these interesting facts and trivia

Fun Fact 1: Young Native American children were traditionally carried using a cradleboard. The style of cradleboard varied between tribes; typically they were made using animal skin or woven willow and grass. There is a cradle board pictured in the image above

Fun Fact 2: Cradleboards enabled young children to be attached to the mothers back using straps that wrapped around her chest, shoulders and forehead. This enabled the mother to travel or work and kept the baby safe and secure

Fun Fact 3: Native American tribes living the Arctic zone, carry their young children in a sling to keep them warm. The sling is tied across the body and worn under the mothers clothes

Fun Fact 4: Young babies are carried in Cradleboards by a number of present day Native American women

Fun Fact 5: A dream catcher was often hung above a sleeping Native American baby to aid restful sleep. A dream catcher is a Native American craft object made from willow, twigs, plants, animal tendons and feathers. Originally made by the Ojibwa tribe these man made webs, were believed to filter out bad dreams from good thoughts. There is a picture of a dream catcher above

Fun Fact 6: A Native American boy was often named after a family member or elder. When he did something significant his named would change to describe the act

Fun Fact 7: The famous Native American Sitting Bull was named Slow as a child as he was cautious and careful. At the age of 14 his name was changed to Sitting Bull by his father after showing courage during an act of bravery

Fun Fact 8: The lives of Native Americans children varied slightly depending on the tribe; however spiritual tales, singing and storytelling about the Native American beliefs, religion and legends were important to all Native American tribes

Fun Fact 9: What did Native American children do? Native American children played, helped around the home and were taught skills. Boys were taught how to fish and hunt, and girls helped with preparing food and weaving. Children learnt how to ride a horse often when they were around five years old

Fun Fact 10: What sort of toys and games did Native American children play? Boys often had bows and arrows for archery and girls had dolls made of buckskin or woven fabric. Many games were games of agility and chance

Fun Fact 11: Popular games often required good co-ordination, similar games such as the cup and ball tossing game called ring and pin were popular, as was a game played with a stick and ball that is similar to modern day lacrosse

Fun Fact 12: Games of fitness were encouraged for Native American boys, running races, horse racing, fishing and archery - these were skills that could be put into practice throughout life

Fun Fact 13: Singing, chanting and dancing were very important to Native American culture and were closely linked to religion and beliefs. It was customary to chanting and dance at ceremonies and rituals to worship and pacify the spirits

Fun Fact 14: What did Native American children wear? The changing seasons and the territories were influential on the selection of costumes and clothing worn by children and adults. Clothing could vary from a simple leather cloth (breechcloth) tied around the waist, to fur lined trousers tunics, boots and gloves worn in sub-Arctic weather conditions

Fun Fact 15: Native American clothes for kids and children were similar to those of the adults, however in warmer climates the children, up to the age of puberty, would often wear no clothes. Read our facts sheet for more information on Native American Clothing

Fun Facts for Kids

Native Americans

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